Monday, 24 November 2014
Well, there are some moments in life, or at least in mine, when I need to run. Run away, that's it. From a situation, from a moment in life, from a place or from someone's life. I do it. I did it recently, and while running was realising that I did it again. Was it good, was it bad? It is always good, because only good can be. There is always something calling you, something you have to learn, something you have to experience.
I've been running in and out most of my life, not one to stay still. But in this whole craziness of mine, I have discovered the best of me. And there is a looot more to discover. I feel this a lot lately. I feel a mixture of "I'm doing the right thing" & "I can do/be more". I know where I want to be, but I must give things time. ANd this whole time thing is the one that messes things up. We need timelines, but we don't like them, our vibe is not time related. You get the vibe, everything is perfect synchronicity and then *BANG* another "slow roller coaster" of vibes and feelings. You accept, get lost and accept again. You run, maybe. And then come back, differently.
So yes, in my super busy pre-Christmas time preparation, my timeline of things followed their own timelines. Nothing I could do to control, and I accepted that I had 2 options: freak out, respect the timeline or chill out, everything happens when it is supposed to happen. But then, in your chill out waiting vibe you start thinking too much. You want things to happen. So, I ran.
Saturday, 8 November 2014
What's cooking....princess?
Well, I must definitely create an "entrepreneurship" category on this blog! My dream that I will write about healthy recipes, alternative life style and similar stuff is put on pause a bit :))
My life at this point sums up to healthy take aways, crazy sleep hours and long working days. And you know what? I love it this way. Maybe this is what this should be all about.
Now that the Christmas is coming (yes, I know, I keep on repeating that since September) everything happens really quick. Last weekend me and my mom have been decorating the shop....for 3 days! And there are still stuff to do in here... It is never ending, honestly. I didn't even get the chance to put the products on the website, and now when I checked ...I realised that the Halloween banner is still up on the slide. Argh!
I love being busy with interesting stuff. And last week, besides my never ending Christmas plans, I helped my mom with a pitch for her events company. Well, the whole concept was amazing... All about the future. We created a hand made vortex tunel, 3D projections and super crazy lights show. I loved it.
Also, at TMT Finance (the job for which I went to Warsaw) I have an event in exactly 10days - TMT Finance World Congress. Luckily I'm not going to London this time. And I say luckily, because there's something BIG "cooking" in Clou's "kitchen"
Until everything comes all together, follow my instagram, you know what they say: a picture is worth a 1000 words (or something like that). So keep an eye there, and hopefully at one point my blog posts will be more often.
Lots of love,
Friday, 31 October 2014
To sum it up.
In order to write well, you have to write what you know, and this is what i know: good things require time, beautiful things dont ask for attention. change is coming. the future is coming on. just long time magic. Șutul în cur si pasul înainte. must trust timing.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Le fantastic!
Oh my, what a week I had! I'm so happy to see that everything comes together after a looot of work.
One of this week's achievements is that I'm getting closer to the moment when I'm going to launch the English version of the website! Whoop, whoop! :) I can finally ship to all of you! :D I really hope this will be on time for Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, I know most you don't even started to think about it, but I honestly had enough already. This week I've been working with some of my fabulous friends and we organised a very nice photo shooting. I'm so grateful for working with such amazing people! I can't wait to share the results with you!!
Today is my mom's birthday, hooray! She is such a fantastic (crazy) woman.... I love her so much!
Wishing you all a super happy weekend...and until then here's a sneak peek from this week's photo shooting!
One of this week's achievements is that I'm getting closer to the moment when I'm going to launch the English version of the website! Whoop, whoop! :) I can finally ship to all of you! :D I really hope this will be on time for Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, I know most you don't even started to think about it, but I honestly had enough already. This week I've been working with some of my fabulous friends and we organised a very nice photo shooting. I'm so grateful for working with such amazing people! I can't wait to share the results with you!!
Today is my mom's birthday, hooray! She is such a fantastic (crazy) woman.... I love her so much!
Wishing you all a super happy weekend...and until then here's a sneak peek from this week's photo shooting!
clou boutique,
happy days,
Bucharest, Romania
Friday, 10 October 2014
Warsaw Feelings
I really wonder when this whole blogging thing is going to become a habit. I wonder if other bloggers feel the need time to write or should I simply write just stuff & things?
Well, it's been a while since I haven't shared "the story of my life" here and I can say that a lot of things happened. And are happening. And will happen.
First of all, my trip to Warsaw was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. It pretty much had a bit of everything. I got there on Sunday afternoon, the sky was crystal deep blue and as soon as I reached the hotel, I literally dropped my bags and left to go sightseeing.
Well, it's been a while since I haven't shared "the story of my life" here and I can say that a lot of things happened. And are happening. And will happen.
First of all, my trip to Warsaw was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. It pretty much had a bit of everything. I got there on Sunday afternoon, the sky was crystal deep blue and as soon as I reached the hotel, I literally dropped my bags and left to go sightseeing.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
On the road again
I woke up with a quote in my mind today: "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans"
So yeah, was so busy this week, that I didn't even think too much of the fact that today I'm going to Warsaw. Few of you might know, but I have a 2nd job besides my shop. Or better said, it's my first job.
For 3 years and a half I'm working for a company based in London, UK for which I organise international conferences in telecom. I used to have a love-hate relationship with this job when I was staying in London, but since I moved to Bucharest and opened the shop I started to see only the benefits.
So yes, long story short, today I'm going to Warsaw!
Monday, 22 September 2014
Equinox time
It's that mid point of the year again. That moment when the day equals the night, when in the Northern hemisphere the autumn starts to show it's colour and in the Southern hemisphere spring starts to bloom. Either way, it is a transition point...and we must make the most of it. It is the time to reflect on our life and to make plans for the future.
It feels like a transition moment now though. The shop is not busy, which from a sales point of view is not goes on no matter what :( But, I accept it, and I take care of other stuff which prepare Clou for the glory days that are about to come! I love transition times and most of all I love when I'm aware of them, no panic involved just good thoughts and lots of positive energy.
And this is exactly what I'm doing at this point. I realised late that today is the 22nd, which means the equinox. But whole day long I've been making plans and plans. And it's been such a wonderful productive day. I really do feel that times are changing and good things are coming.
It feels like a transition moment now though. The shop is not busy, which from a sales point of view is not goes on no matter what :( But, I accept it, and I take care of other stuff which prepare Clou for the glory days that are about to come! I love transition times and most of all I love when I'm aware of them, no panic involved just good thoughts and lots of positive energy.
Today I'm really happy that I have managed to give the shop an autumn look and that I have done beautiful partnerships with wonderful Romanians for the "Made in Ro" section of my website (more to come!). And yes, soon...(won't promise how soon, because this whole technological process is above my understanding!) the website will be in English too! :D woohoo!!
And I got beautiful handmade jewellery from India!! And ... I have wonderful body creams and delicious bio cosmetics from a wonderful lady.
Let's have a wonderful equinox, full of joy and love!
Big hug!
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Everything connects.
I never really knew what I was going to do, where I was heading and which direction. And honestly, I still don't know.
When I finished school and faced the "choose a University" moment, I didn't know either. All I knew was that I envied my colleagues who were soooo sure where they want to go to: law school, medical school and so on. They knew so well. All I knew was that I had to do it and finish it asap.
So I initially thought that going to a "Marketing and PR" Uni is going to be the good thing for me - I was social, my mom had an advertising agency (which seemed fun) and I could develop my creative side. Well, my parents forced me to go to an economical school too. And I did.
Of course I ended up finishing just one - the "Business Administration" Uni, the economical school.
Then, I decided that I had to finish my masters degree quickly too. In Romania the master is 2 years long....too long for me. But in UK it's only 1 year - so that was my escape ticket.
After finishing my masters I've found myself in the "wtf have I done?" crisis. Why did I do such a horrible thing?! Why economics, why business? Why have I learned so much crap?! I'm A CREATIVE PERSON!!! someone please help!!! there I the oh so discussed "post graduation crisis"...Then the white flag was spotted at the horizon and my shop was founded. With no design background, without any knowledge about the market - I did it.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Stuff and things and autumn.... blings!
Shame, shame, shame....But who's the one to blame?! It's been a week since I got back from Paris and just 10 minutes ago my full energy tapped me on the shoulder and was like "hey you, enough...!"
Paris was a wonderful-exhausting mix of inspiration and energies. The fair, which is not small (at all!!) was again the source of multiple shows of fireworks in my brain. As in....lots and lots of ideas.
Paris was a wonderful-exhausting mix of inspiration and energies. The fair, which is not small (at all!!) was again the source of multiple shows of fireworks in my brain. As in....lots and lots of ideas.
When I hear someone saying "OMG, you are going to Paris, I envy you!", I simply feel like going crazy and slap them. :)) First of all, my dear friends, I do not like Paris. Just like that. It's dirty, the french from Paris are rude and oh yes, it smells like poop and pee all over the place. I like the architecture, the fact that it's Paris. But that's it. And secondly, the fair is next to the airport, next to the hotel. So no Paris, just fair.
Friday, 5 September 2014
A s.t.a.r.... to Paris!
Oh what a day! :) A wonderful, fascinating, gorgeous day! Last night it rained and I had such a good long sleep....perfect for the day that was coming.
I woke up with a wonderful news... I've been on TV! Well, I knew I was going to be as I have given a short interview last week, but I totally missed the news on the day. So here are my 30seconds of fame! I do look good on TV, right? And look at my shop!! <3 lovely.
Then, another good news popped in my inbox: My shop was approved on Tripadvisor. It needs some editing (add pics and stuff) but ... it's on! Check it out here.
And the most exciting part of today is that...I'm off to Paris!! yuhuu! Me & mom are going to Maison & Objet to get some super cool stuff for Christmas. I can't wait to see what's going to inspire us!
So, that being told, I do have all the rights to feel like "A star travelling to Paris for the Design Week". Well, 4 days!
I woke up with a wonderful news... I've been on TV! Well, I knew I was going to be as I have given a short interview last week, but I totally missed the news on the day. So here are my 30seconds of fame! I do look good on TV, right? And look at my shop!! <3 lovely.
Then, another good news popped in my inbox: My shop was approved on Tripadvisor. It needs some editing (add pics and stuff) but ... it's on! Check it out here.
And the most exciting part of today is that...I'm off to Paris!! yuhuu! Me & mom are going to Maison & Objet to get some super cool stuff for Christmas. I can't wait to see what's going to inspire us!
So, that being told, I do have all the rights to feel like "A star travelling to Paris for the Design Week". Well, 4 days!
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
My creativity problem
Well, today I had a problem. A creativity problem. And I don't refer to a lack of creativity but more like a huge surplus. I woke up in a very bubble-ish mood...pretty much with my head up in the clouds. And I kinda stayed there all day long, and felt bombed with ideas. All sorts. Too many. Uncategorised. It's like now I was thinking of peonies, then of tomatoes.
It's a weird but good feeling, I just didn't know where to start today, so I didn't start at all.
I need the classic "sleep on it".
It's a weird but good feeling, I just didn't know where to start today, so I didn't start at all.
I need the classic "sleep on it".
Monday, 1 September 2014
This autumn I harvest happiness
I can't believe it's September already. I really don't understand time anymore. It feels like yesterday I was waiting for cherries and now I'm thinking of Christmas. Well, I'm the extreme kind of person I might say... But as soon as I know it's September I have to think a lot more in advance. I need to plan everything for the shop. And when I say in advance I mean it. I have ordered some of the Christmas products in January. I don't even know what I got anymore.
Chapter 2b: Cluj, Salina Turda and Paltinis
I can't believe how long it takes to go through this whole trip that we had! When I was travelling I didn't even realise how many stuff we've done, how many kilometres I drove, I was just fascinated by everything.
After visiting the Corvins Castle and Prislop, I drove straight to Cluj (and it was quite a long way) so in the evening we just stopped at a pension right cross the street from the Botanical Garden and went to sleep immediately! In the morning we woke up super early (7.30am - which for me is very early) and started visiting the city.
Well, I liked Cluj, I loved the people, I loved the vibe but I think from an architectural point of view I was expecting a bit more. I was looking for that centre area like you have in Brasov or Sibiu. Cosy, with little cafes, pedestrian area and so on. But it was nowhere to be found.
So after few hours of sightseeing (and shopping in outlets!!! there is no holiday without a bit of shopping, right?!) we decided it was time to go to Turda Salt Mine and drive to Sibiu.
After visiting the Corvins Castle and Prislop, I drove straight to Cluj (and it was quite a long way) so in the evening we just stopped at a pension right cross the street from the Botanical Garden and went to sleep immediately! In the morning we woke up super early (7.30am - which for me is very early) and started visiting the city.
Well, I liked Cluj, I loved the people, I loved the vibe but I think from an architectural point of view I was expecting a bit more. I was looking for that centre area like you have in Brasov or Sibiu. Cosy, with little cafes, pedestrian area and so on. But it was nowhere to be found.
So after few hours of sightseeing (and shopping in outlets!!! there is no holiday without a bit of shopping, right?!) we decided it was time to go to Turda Salt Mine and drive to Sibiu.
Friday, 29 August 2014
Chapter 2b: Corvins Castle, Prislop Monastery and trip to Cluj
On Sunday morning unfortunately there was no yoga class, it was pouring outside and indoors was no place. So me and my friend decided that it was time to head towards new adventures. I knew that next to Hunedoara there is this amazing castle of which I've seen pictures and heard a lot. So after breakfast, we joined the Ayurveda class where we both found out that we have Vata Dosha. In Ayurveda, dosha is one of three bodily humors that make up one's constitution. There is no wonder I am Vata which is a mix of space and air. I am a libra (air sign) and I am very spiritual (not religious!) so space, Univers is fascinating me.
With that in mind we've started floating to Corvins Castle, Prislop Monastery and then all the way to Cluj. When we left it was raining but on our way there the sun came out and we didn't feel any rain from that point.
It is also known as Hunedoara Castle and is a Gothic - Renaissance castle in Transylvania built in 1446. We were fascinated by its beauty. You can find more about its history, here.
Below are some pictures from the castle followed by our twisted experience at the Monastery.
Corvins Castle:

With that in mind we've started floating to Corvins Castle, Prislop Monastery and then all the way to Cluj. When we left it was raining but on our way there the sun came out and we didn't feel any rain from that point.
Corvins Castle
It is also known as Hunedoara Castle and is a Gothic - Renaissance castle in Transylvania built in 1446. We were fascinated by its beauty. You can find more about its history, here.
Below are some pictures from the castle followed by our twisted experience at the Monastery.
Corvins Castle:

corvins castle,
prislop monastery,
Hunedoara, Romania
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Chapter 2.a. Yoga Retreat & Sarmizegetusa
Day 1 & 2
The trip to Sarmizegetusa was long, but very nice. We left Bucharest around 2PM and reached the final destination (A pension in Orastioara de Jos) at around 9PM. Took us a lot, but we didn't hurry and we stopped in different places and of course we got lost a bit..... :)
On Saturday morning we woke up with the sound of a tibetan bowl at 7AM. That was the best early rise ever, ah...that sound!!! We had a long yoga session, have discussed stuff and things and then me and 3 others went to visit Sarmizegetusa.
When we got there, I couldn't believe my eyes.... That place is truly magical. It is sooo peaceful, like seriously I never felt what I felt there anywhere else. I can't describe in words. But peaceful it is very close to what I felt. The ground was shinning and glittering everywhere. Like seriously glittering with tiny sparkles, I thought I was hallucinating...but it was for real.
The thing I didn't like was that I wasn't allowed to sit anywhere on the grass around the temples, not even for 2min. Then we tried some yoga and we were told that "no other activities than visiting are allowed". Well, probably they have a reason. I can imagine they don't want people going for picnic or doing any "weird" kind of meditation or whatsoever they imagine.
Here are some pictures from the Yoga camp and Sarmizegetusa through my eyes:
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Chapter 2: The trip!
I'm back! Actually I got back last night...even tho I was supposed to get back home on Sunday night.
It was such a fantastic trip... which I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting THAT much.
To sum it up:
5 days;
2000km (aprox);
8 fabulous visiting spots in Romania;
1100 pictures.
I think we've done pretty well, right?! ;)
Here are some photos from my Instagram feed. Editing 1100 photos might take a while so until then, enjoy!
astra museum,
corvins castle,
road trip,
turda salt mine,
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Chapter 1: Plans for the weekend!
Omg, omg! I'm sooo excited, I don't even know where to start. I don't know if it is because of the fact that I'm going to a yoga retreat or maybe it's because I'm going to Sarmizegetusa or just because I'm gonna have 4 days of exploring new stuff! Either, I'm just super happy. Superlative of fantastic I can say.
I'm new into yoga. I've done it previously while I was living in London but unfortunately it was way too pricey for me at that point to continue. But in those 2 months of practising it, I felt amazing. My body, my mind were aligned in peace and joy. I knew that at one point I will be back on the mat. It took me a while, but now it happens the best way ever.
I'm new into yoga. I've done it previously while I was living in London but unfortunately it was way too pricey for me at that point to continue. But in those 2 months of practising it, I felt amazing. My body, my mind were aligned in peace and joy. I knew that at one point I will be back on the mat. It took me a while, but now it happens the best way ever.
road trip,
yoga retreat
Bucharest, Romania
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Hello world!
Ever since I was a child my parents have prepared me for life's adventures the best way they could. What I appreciate most is that despite anything, we travelled a lot. Later on, I have decided to keep the adventurous spirit alive and started riding life's roller coaster at high speed, with no clear direction. I wasn't told that I should properly fasten my seat belt.. so, after almost 3 years of rumbling and stumbling in London, trying to find which way exactly to go, I found myself back home. Home, where with the help of my family, I founded Clou Boutique - a home and gifts boutique in Bucharest. And that's where a new chapter has begun.
I have created this blog because since Clou started to spread joy to this world, I've learned a lot. A lot about myself, life, people, business and so many other things that I could never imagine. And I've realised, that because it is my own creation, I have to develop on a personal level in order to make it grow. Don't expect a fashionista blog, a designer blog, a master chef's blog, an expert traveller blog or any other thing like that... Here you will find bits and pieces of my life as the trip continues to unknown directions while I'm rediscovering myself!
photocredit: andrea d'aquino
So my dear friends scattered around the world, let's Ride ON!
I hope you will enjoy!
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