I never really knew what I was going to do, where I was heading and which direction. And honestly, I still don't know.
When I finished school and faced the "choose a University" moment, I didn't know either. All I knew was that I envied my colleagues who were soooo sure where they want to go to: law school, medical school and so on. They knew so well. All I knew was that I had to do it and finish it asap.
So I initially thought that going to a "Marketing and PR" Uni is going to be the good thing for me - I was social, my mom had an advertising agency (which seemed fun) and I could develop my creative side. Well, my parents forced me to go to an economical school too. And I did.
Of course I ended up finishing just one - the "Business Administration" Uni, the economical school.
Then, I decided that I had to finish my masters degree quickly too. In Romania the master is 2 years long....too long for me. But in UK it's only 1 year - so that was my escape ticket.
After finishing my masters I've found myself in the "wtf have I done?" crisis. Why did I do such a horrible thing?! Why economics, why business? Why have I learned so much crap?! I'm A CREATIVE PERSON!!! someone please help!!! ....so there I was...in the oh so discussed "post graduation crisis"...Then the white flag was spotted at the horizon and my shop was founded. With no design background, without any knowledge about the market - I did it.
But now there are these times...when I manage my business. And it's not only cute stuff on shelves, huge sales and rainbows & butterflies. It's f*cking hard!!! And yes, now I understand why I had to learn IT, accountancy, finance and all the subjects I had to study.
And yes, my final thesis at Uni was "Entrepreneurial Thinking and Action" and for masters was "Cross-cultural social intelligence". The first one clearly makes sense now, even if when I had to make a presentation, my law teacher told me it has nothing to do with the University's economical background - so I got an 8. So my dear teacher, Madame Lefter - if it doesn't make any sense to you, it did for me, few years later.
Now it is all connected - my creative self needed all that chaos, all that "unnecessary" info at that point. Even though I don't remember much (I still don't understand IT terminology and I still don't understand taxes, balance sheets, etc) it definitely helps. Somewhere the info is there and it now connects in a practical way. It's good that I have developed a business way of thinking during Uni which now mingles with my creative side - untouched before.
It's funny, really funny when later in life you understand why you took certain decisions, why some things happened to you even if at that point didn't make any sense at all. I'm still wondering how my 2nd final paper will connect - it will probably be the moment when my shop will be on different international markets ;)
Until then.... I'm going back to find solutions to make this business work at its best!!!
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