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Friday 31 October 2014

To sum it up.

In order to write well, you have to write what you know, and this is what i know: good things require time, beautiful things dont ask for attention. change is coming. the future is coming on. just long time magic. Șutul în cur si pasul înainte. must trust timing.

Friday 17 October 2014

Le fantastic!

Oh my, what a week I had! I'm so happy to see that everything comes together after a looot of work.
One of this week's achievements is that I'm getting closer to the moment when I'm going to launch the English version of the website! Whoop, whoop!  :) I can finally ship to all of you! :D I really hope this will be on time for Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, I know most you don't even started to think about it, but I honestly had enough already. This week I've been working with some of my fabulous friends and we organised a very nice photo shooting. I'm so grateful for working with such amazing people! I can't wait to share the results with you!!

Today is my mom's birthday, hooray! She is such a fantastic (crazy) woman.... I love her so much!

Wishing you all a super happy weekend...and until then here's a sneak peek from this week's photo shooting!

Friday 10 October 2014

Warsaw Feelings

I really wonder when this whole blogging thing is going to become a habit. I wonder if other bloggers feel the need time to write or should I simply write just stuff & things?

Well, it's been a while since I haven't shared "the story of my life" here and I can say that a lot of things happened. And are happening. And will happen.

First of all, my trip to Warsaw was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. It pretty much had a bit of everything. I got there on Sunday afternoon, the sky was crystal deep blue and as soon as I reached the hotel, I literally dropped my bags and left to go sightseeing.